Macfilos Reviews the Peak QR Strap
Back in June we sent over a Peak QR strap to Mike from Macfilos to get his thoughts. Needless to say that he was impressed!
In his review Mike drew attention to the fact that the Duo straps solve the dilemma of whether to take out a wrist strap or a neck strap on a day’s shooting:
“For connoisseurs of camera straps (in general, those who don’t fit the strap that comes in the camera box), the choice is now huge. But the fundamental decision remains — does today’s outing demand a full neck strap, or is it a wrist-strap day? The dilemma could now be over thanks to the Bowman Duo and the ingenuity of a British manufacturer.”
“The new Bowman Duo combines the best of all worlds. Outwardly, it is a normal leather neck strap. But hidden at one end is a double run of strap which opens to fit around the wrist. It’s a winner, and I love it. ”
Mike also drew attention to the custom aspect of Bowman Leather straps and how you are able to get the exact strap for your needs:
“Charles Bowman has carved out a niche for his high-quality leather straps in a wide variety of configurations. It’s almost a case of design your own strap, and Charles will help you tick all the boxes.”
And finally, like his earlier review of Stride, Mike commented on the quality of the design, materials and craftsmanship:
“The finish of the Bowman Duo strap is superb. It is made from a supple vegetable tanned leather which, like all good leather goods, gets better the more it is used. The sturdy rivets are smooth and do not detract from the overall feel of the strap. The review strap is black, which tends to be my overall favourite since it matches most Leica cameras, but this is very much a personal choice. All Bowman straps are guaranteed for ten years.”
You can find out more about the Peak QR strap and the full review at Macfilos using the buttons below: